2019-09-17 14:53:00 福建银行招聘考试网 //xiamen.huatu.com/jinrong/ 文章来源:福建金融考试网
【导读】华图福建金融考试网同步福建金融考试网发布:2019银行校园招聘每日一练(9.17),详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【福建金融考试招考汇总】 ,更多资讯请关注华图微信公众号(xmhuatu),福建金融银行培训咨询电话:0592-5168870,5168871;
On behalf of the organizing committee we cordially hope yo can join us at the Low Carbon Earth Sumrnit-2011, with a Theme of “Leading the Green Economy Returning to Harmony to Harmony with Nature”, which will be held during October 19-26, 2011 at World Exposition enter Dalian China As far as we know your work in this field is a clear example of the leadership so we would like to highlight your effort at our conference and hope you can give a speech at track 7-8-28: Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production.
The purpose of LCES-2011 is to provide a wold-class meeting place for information exchanges and trade fair for Promoting Low Carbon Economy. It will take the form of plenary lectures, oral presentations, posters, exhibitions and project matchmaking; LCES-2011 will support new business development with the opportunity to learn from one another’s experiences in this field, identify ways to play an even more active role in control of global climate change and seize further green investment opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs worldwide.
Lastly we would like to urge you not to miss this historical initiation and actively join us with your great passion and contributions. Hope to see you in Dalian in the golden fall season.
18.Which type of writing does the passage belong to?
A. apology
B. advertisement
C. invitation
D. memo
19.To whom is the passage addressed?
A. One with much wealth
B. One with high professional level
C. One with high social status
D. One with high reputation in academia
20.According to the passage which of the following will NOT be the contribution of the summit?
A. More experience exchange and business development
B. More occasion towards this historical initiation
C. More active attitude towards tacking climate change
D. More green investment chances