2019-08-02 16:03:00 福建银行招聘考试网 //xiamen.huatu.com/jinrong/ 文章来源:福建金融考试网
【导读】华图福建金融考试网同步福建金融考试网发布:2019银行校园招聘每日一练(8.2),详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【福建金融考试招考汇总】 ,更多资讯请关注华图微信公众号(xmhuatu),福建金融银行培训咨询电话:0592-5168870,5168871;
Passage 6
Subject: New flavors
Date: March 8
Dear Mr. Kaminski.
I am writing to share some exciting news with you. Fruittisom is now launching a new line of Natural fruit juices. In the opinion of many consumers we surveyed. The new flavors taste.
Nantrai fruit juices in the opinion or many consumers we surveyed, the new favors taste great, and we would like to send you some samples so that you can try them too.
Free samples are being offered only to customers who have purchased Fruittisom juices from our online store within the last year. If you wish to receive samples of the new line of our products, go to our online store and select up to three products you would like to try. Then, instead of making a payment, enter promotional code TY117563, and your selections will be shipped to your home without charge.
With best regards,
Ashley Hockstra
1. What is offered in the e-mail? ( )
A. Instructions for entering a competition
B. A chance to try a new product
C. An apology for an error
D. Thanks for completing a customer survey
2. What is suggested about Mr. Kaminski? ( )
A. He has shopped at Fruittisom’s online store
B. He has been charged incorrectly for an order
C. He has worked for Fruittisom
D. He has reported a late delivery
3. How can Mr. Kaminski receive a sample? ( )
A. By providing a code
B. By making a payment
C. By promising to write a review
D. By sending in proof of a purchase